Headshot of Dr. Alice PritchardAs the Executive Director of the Connecticut Technical Education and Career System (CTECS), I am honored to lead this extraordinary agency during such an important time. CTECS plays a critical role in shaping Connecticut’s future workforce by providing high-quality career and technical education to more than 11,000 high school students and nearly 3,000 adult learners. Our dedicated team of educators and staff work tirelessly to prepare students for rewarding careers and meaningful contributions to their communities. We ensure our graduates are ready to meet the demands of today’s rapidly evolving industries.

Looking ahead, we see countless opportunities to grow, innovate, and strengthen our system. I look forward to collaborating with Governor Lamont’s administration, legislators, the CTECS Advisory Board, educators, industry leaders, labor unions, colleges and universities, and all our stakeholders in this endeavor. I am confident that we have the people and passion to achieve great things for CTECS students and the state of Connecticut.

 Your voice matters in this journey. I encourage you to share your thoughts, ideas, and feedback as we work together to uphold CTECS’ commitment to being the state’s primary pipeline for a skilled labor workforce.

Alice Pritchard, Ph.D.

Executive Director Communications

Dear CTECS Team,

Happy New Year! As we step into 2025, I’m excited about the opportunities ahead and want to share some updates, good news, and plans for the months to come.

First, I look forward to visiting all of our schools in the next few months. These visits are invaluable for me to learn more about your work, the needs of our schools, and how we can continue to improve together. The visits to date have given me a chance to tour the academic and shop areas, talk with administrators, staff, and students, and hear about your schools’ accomplishments. 

This semester we have exciting events coming up to support our students in securing meaningful employment in the trades. In partnership with DAS Talent Solutions, we are bringing workshops to most of our schools to showcase trade-related job opportunities available within state agencies.  Plans are also underway to partner with the state’s Workforce Development Boards and the American Job Centers to engage students in their spring job fairs.  In addition, a variety of external stakeholders from state agencies, community organizations, and colleges and universities have reached out declaring their interest in partnering with CTECS to bring work-based learning and employment opportunities to our students. It will be a busy spring with these activities underway and I look forward to sharing the results in future communications.

Another highlight is the upcoming regional SkillsUSA competitions. These events celebrate the talent and skill of our students, and I’m looking forward to seeing their dedication and accomplishments in action.

For increased transparency, we’ll begin sharing CTECS Advisory Board meeting videos on CTECS’ YouTube channel starting with our January 22 meeting. This will provide everyone with better access to updates and decisions affecting our system. We are also pleased that we’ll begin hosting every other board meeting at one of our schools with opportunities for board members to talk with students and staff about their trade programs.

The Connecticut legislative session has just begun, and education is a key focus. I am proud to advocate for the needs of CTECS during this important time, ensuring our students, staff, and schools remain a priority for our state leaders. The state budget will be debated throughout the session and I will share information from the Governor’s budget address in February and deliberations by the Appropriations Committee in the coming months. In addition, on January 30, I will testify before the Executive Nominations Committee of the legislature on my nomination by the Governor to serve as Executive Director of CTECS. I am honored to be appointed by the Governor and to serve in this capacity through the rest of his term in office should the legislature confirm that appointment. 

I am also pleased to report that the superintendent search, which is being conducted by the CTECS Advisory Board, is underway with interviews starting in the coming weeks and my selection announced later this spring. 

Lastly, I’m happy to share that we’ve welcomed a new Director of Grants to the central office. This role will focus on pursuing funding to better support our schools and students. I am also pleased to announce plans to fill several vacant positions. In February, we’ll be joined by a new Human Resources Business Partner through DAS centralized HR services. This position will be instrumental in addressing a wide range of human resources related needs. Additionally, I will be bringing on a Chief Financial Officer and Legal Director to the central office staff later this spring to ensure we have the leadership needed for the system.

I will continue to provide updates via email in the weeks to come. Thank you for all you do to make CTECS a place of excellence for our students, adult learners, and a resource for Connecticut industry. I welcome your ideas and feedback as we keep moving forward together.

Dr. Alice Pritchard
Interim Executive Director

We know that recent changes to national immigration policies have raised questions and concerns in our community. Connecticut schools are legally required to educate all children, as upheld by the Supreme Court of the United States. We want to assure you that CTECS is committed to keeping our schools safe and supportive for all students, no matter their immigration status. In fact, CTECS does not track students’ immigration status.

While it is unlikely that U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) would come to one of our schools, we want you to know that we are prepared if it ever happens.

All staff are trained in the strong safety and security procedures that are in place in our schools. All visitors, including government officials, must follow our established check-in process. If ICE agents were to visit a CTECS school, designated school personnel are prepared to manage the situation, ensuring that district and state leaders are informed. Any actions taken would follow state and federal laws, and we would update families as appropriate. If any situation involving immigration officials occurs, we will handle it carefully and with discretion to avoid disruption to students’ education.

We understand that the current climate may be unsettling or cause concern. If you need support, please reach out to your school counselor, principal, or another trusted adult — we are here to help.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your school’s principal.

Dr. Alice Pritchard, Interim Executive Director
Freeman Burr, Interim Superintendent

I want to take a moment to provide some updates on recent developments impacting our system.

Earlier this month, Governor Lamont delivered his biennial budget address for fiscal years 2026-2027. Last week, I testified before the Appropriations Committee regarding the Governor’s proposed budget for CTECS. Key topics of discussion included:

  • Strong legislative interest in expanding access to CTECS, recognizing that we receive more than twice the number of applications than available seats.
  • The importance of maintaining strong academic programs to support career readiness.
  • Budget challenges, particularly the rising costs of special education services, personnel, facilities, and operations. 

The next step in the budget process is testimony before the Appropriations Subcommittee on Elementary and Secondary Education. The final biennial budget vote is expected by the end of the legislative session on June 4, 2025. I will continue to provide updates on how this new budget impacts our system and classrooms.

Since the start of the new year, I’ve been visiting our schools and am inspired by the work happening every day. Discussions with school leaders, instructors, staff and students are helping me better understand our work and our challenges. Recently, I joined Prince Tech masonry students on a job site and participated in a collaboration between the Department of Labor and Abbott Tech’s hairdressing program, expanding pre-apprenticeship opportunities. I also am looking forward to attending the SkillsUSA competition in late March. 

System-wide, we are strengthening partnerships with American Job Centers, regional workforce investment boards and the CT Department of Administrative Services to enhance student career development, hiring fairs, and summer youth employment opportunities. These are vital partnerships for our students and I appreciate the central office and school staff who are making these connections possible.  

There’s so much more happening at CTECS thanks to all of you. While I can’t cover it all here, keep an eye on our social media platforms to stay connected to the daily achievements of our staff and students. I look forward to sharing more progress soon.

Dr. Alice Pritchard
Interim Executive Director