Thank you for your interest in The Connecticut Technical Education and Career System (CTECS)!

The application period for the 2025-2026 school year is now closed for all CTECS locations other than Bristol Technical Education Center. 


What type of student finds success at CTECS?

Student writing on clipboard
  • Genuine interest in pursuing the trades

  • Motivated to excel in academics

  • Hands-on learning preference

  • Good school attendance history

  • Demonstrated ability to follow rules and safety protocols

  • Self-motivated and goal-oriented

  • Strong work ethic

  • Curiosity in how things work

  • Flexible and adaptable

  • Like being part of a team

Application Information

Ready to Apply? Let’s Get Started!

Select the button that best describes you to begin the right application process.

Questions for a specific school or about the application process? Please contact:


School Phone Director Ext
Abbott 203-797-4460 Shelley Visinski 12453
Bristol 860-584-8433 Domenica Holman  28335
Bullard 203-579-6333 Tracy Ganino 11487
Cheney 860-649-5396 Regina Moye 16316
Ellis 860-412-7500 Sheila Bedard 13570
Goodwin 860-827-7736 Ericka Torres 19318
Grasso   Vacant  
Kaynor 203-578-8714 Jessica Nagy 8714
Norwich 860-892-2113 Virginia D. Messina 2113
O’Brien 203-732-1815 Amy Carvalho 1815
Platt 203-783-5317 Michele Haramis 26317
Prince 860-257-5123 Lisa Higgins 15123
Vinal 860-344-7100 Kaitlyn Demas 18436
Whitney 203-397-4031 Jeanne Willinsky 14898
Wilcox 203-317-5969 Michelle DellaVecchia 5969
Windham 860-456-3879 Laura Jones 24314
Wolcott 860-469-5364 Ruth Simoncelli 22364
Wright 203-674-5840 Madrine Clennon-Straker 5840

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