
Thank you for your interest in The Connecticut Technical Education and Career System (CTECS)!

CTECS is very different from traditional high schools. Students earn a trade certification and an academic high school diploma. We recommend students genuinely be interested in learning a trade and have a deep understanding of the demands of a CTECS education prior to applying. Read our frequently asked questions or visit a school website to learn more.

What type of student finds success at CTECS?

  • Genuine interest in pursuing the trades

  • Motivated to excel in academics

  • Hands-on learning preference

  • Good school attendance history

  • Demonstrated ability to follow rules and safety protocols

  • Self-motivated and goal-oriented

  • Strong work ethic

  • Curiosity in how things work

  • Flexible and adaptable

  • Like being part of a team

Additional Application Information

Students who are interested in Trade Education.

Any eighth-grade student who is a resident of the State of Connecticut who expects to successfully complete eighth grade is eligible to apply for fall admission to ninth grade during the eighth-grade school year.

Any ninth-grade student who is a resident of the State of Connecticut who expects to successfully complete ninth grade with 7 academic credits is eligible to apply for 9th grade and/or fall admission to tenth grade subject to the availability of open seats at a CTECS technical high school.  Applicants for entry into tenth grade may be required to satisfy career pathway remediation plans to learn skills that were taught in ninth grade.

Student’s applications may be considered for admission through October 1 of their 10th grade year.

1. Let your school counselor (if none, another school official) know you are going to apply.  

  • They will receive an email from the CTECS school district requesting information.
  • You will need their correct email address to enter into the application.

2. Review the website of the school you want to apply for.

  • Confirm you are in their regional area and are eligible for free bus transportation to the CTECS school.  You will find a map on the school’s website “about” page.

3. Review the trade(s) you are interested in and learn about them, including course descriptions and prospective jobs.  Be sure the trade you are interested in is offered at the school you are applying to by reviewing the school’s website under “programs”.

4. Work hard and do your best in school this year!

The applications for fall 2024 grade 9 admittance are now closed.

Application will open for fall 2025 Early – Mid November.

The Deadline to apply is December 15, 2024 – submit your application before then for the best chance to attend one of the technical high schools.

Mid-February – you will receive an “Initial Notice” email or a “Waitlist” email and have 10 days to respond, indicating whether or not you are interested in continuing in the admissions process to attend a technical high school.

If you respond yes to the Initial Notice survey request, educational records will be requested from your sending school and reviewed.  If you are homeschooled, other documentation is required.  If more information or meetings are required, you will be notified.

Early April – Second round of  “Initial Notices” emails or “Waitlist” emails will be sent as needed.

May-Summer 2024 – A range of onboarding events are held for students who are in the admissions process for a CTECS high school.

October 1 – All waitlists from previous year are purged.  

Questions for a specific school or about the application process? Please contact:

School Phone Director Ext
Abbott 203-797-4460 Shelley Visinski 12453
Bristol 860-584-8433 Domenica Holman  28335
Bullard 203-579-6333 Tracy Ganino 11487
Cheney 860-649-5396 Darbi Simon 16316
Ellis 860-412-7500 Martha Rainey 13570
Goodwin 860-827-7736 Ericka Torres 19318
Grasso 860-441-0312 Sheila Bedard 27312
Kaynor 203-578-8714 Jessica Nagy 8714
Norwich 860-892-2113 Virginia D. Messina 2113
O’Brien 203-732-1815 Amy Carvalho 1815
Platt 203-783-5317 Michele Haramis 26317
Prince 860-257-5123 Lisa Higgins 15123
Vinal 860-344-7100 Kaitlyn Demas 18436
Whitney 203-397-4031 Jeanne Willinsky 14898
Wilcox 203-317-5969 Michelle DellaVecchia 5969
Windham 860-456-3879 Laura Jones 24314
Wolcott 860-469-5364 Ruth Simoncelli 22364
Wright 203-674-5840 Madrine Clennon-Straker 5840

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