Students have the opportunity, in their high school classes or on the college campus, to earn college credit leading to a post-secondary certificate, associate’s and/or baccalaureate degree. CTECS courses share the same curriculum and learning outcomes as the college. The CTECS teachers and courses are approved by the college.
The opportunity for college credit is available through the:
College Career Pathways (CCP) Program
- Eligible students earn up to 14 college credits in their high school classrooms.
- There is no cost to students.
UCONN Early College Experience (ECE) Program
- Qualified students earn college credit in their high school classroom at low cost or no cost depending on financial eligibility.
- View the UCONN ECE website for more information.(opens in a new tab)
The Partnership Program
- Students take classes at the college campus if they meet eligibility and placement testing requirements.
Post-Secondary Agreements
- Students qualify for advanced placement after graduation upon enrollment in the college or technical institution.
Contact the school guidance department to determine your eligibility and course options. Course options vary by school location.
View Our College Career Pathways Information(opens in a new tab)